Johnny 5

Johnny 5 is the founding editor of the blog and writes about pressing technology issues. From important cat privacy stories to governments and corporations that overstep their boundaries, Johnny covers it all.

180 Posts
5968 Claps
3 mins
How do you pay for your free fitness app?
We all want everyone to stare at our chiseled physique in jaw-dropping awe. Which is probably why Cristiano Ronaldo...
The wierdest unsolved mysteries on the web.
6 mins
Are the three biggest internet mysteries actually related?
These are not conspiracy theories. They are very real, and very weird, mysteries of the Internet.
1 min
Get started—5 awesome ways to use ExpressVPN
Everyone knows a VPN keeps your connection private and circumvents censorship, but did you know that ExpressVPN can also...
5 mins
The history of secret banking in Switzerland
Offshore accounts are quite the topic of discussion this week, but they’ve long been a haven for the rich...
1 min
ExpressVPN’s massive Easter competition winners!
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who entered. The quality of the entries was staggering. The ten winners of...
ExpressVPN and Fight for the Future logos.
5 mins
ExpressVPN stands with Fight for the Future
ExpressVPN is proud to announce an expanded relationship with the nonprofit activism and advocacy group, Fight for the Future...
dark knight vpn
1 min
Batman v Superman: The best secret identity infographic
Batman and Superman are currently slogging it out in the cinemas -- there's explosions, blood, sweat, and tears. But...
happy expressvpn easter
1 min
Freebies, facts, and fun: Happy Easter from ExpressVPN!
Public holiday time! Has the bunny been yet? Are you enjoying some time off, or are you one of...
north korea facts
4 mins
North Korea: Strange facts from the weirdest country on Earth
ExpressVPN answers the DPRK questions that you’ve been dying to ask. And some that you definitely haven’t. Can you add...
1 min
Incredible! You found all the eggs! – Now closed
**Sorry! This competition is now closed. Subscribe to the ExpressVPN blog to get news of the next awesome competition...

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