
Lexie is the blog's resident tech expert and gets excited about empowerment through technology, space travel, and pancakes with blueberries.

170 Posts
15791 Claps
Padlock with omni-directional protection.
2 mins
PGP is still pretty good for privacy
Many privacy advocates use PGP (GNU Privacy Guard/GPG in its open source form) to encrypt, sign, and verify data...
A cartoon fox hiding behind a tree.
3 mins
Change your Firefox settings for a more private browsing experience
With just a few clicks, you can vastly improve your online privacy. Here are some tips for the popular...
A melting Bitcoin.
2 mins
What makes a cryptocurrency Bitcoin?
According to listings on coinmarketcap.com, there are now six major cryptocurrencies that all claim to be Bitcoin, and more...
Some pixelated people in a crowd
2 mins
5 fashion items you’ll need to fight a surveillance state
In a previous post, we looked at how to be incognito in the real world. Today, let’s dive deeper...
Internet fail key on computer keyboard.
5 mins
Did the internet fail to deliver on its early promises?
With its many predecessors and common interchangeable terminology, it’s hard to pin the internet’s birth date precisely, though it’s...
A printer with a surveillance eye.
3 mins
Here’s why your printer is a tattletale
When you print, scan, or copy a document at home or in the office, it might look like any...
ExpressVPN now supports more Linux distros
1 min
ExpressVPN supports more Linux distributions than ever
ExpressVPN loves Linux! Currently, ExpressVPN for Linux 1.4.1 is available, and a large variety of distributions are supported.
Location symbols scattered.
5 mins
Go incognito: Avoid surveillance in real life
Here are 6 ways to avoid CCTV cameras and stay anonymous as you move about in your everyday life.
What will happen in 2018?
4 mins
Which of ExpressVPN’s 2017 predictions came true? And what’s next for...
NOTE: This post was originally published on February 16, 2018 In 2016 and 2017, Lexie made some bold predictions about...
How to improve your digital security
1 min
4 guides that will help improve your digital security
The ExpressVPN blog features advice, explanations, reviews, information security updates, online privacy, politics, ExpressVPN products, and all the things...

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